Vincent Tie

Posted by Vincent Tie on 31 Jul 2019

Charles Hugh Smith - Parallels Between The Decline of the Roman Empire and America

SBTV spoke with Charles Hugh Smith, author and the editor of the Of Two Minds blog, about the startling parallels (e.g. debasing of currency, lack of strong leadership, move towards populism, etc.) between the decline of the Roman Empire and America.

Discussed in this interview:
07:33 Central banks created financialization as the foundation of wealth now
10:25 Comparing the decline of the Roman Empire and America
17:52 Leaders are no longer focused on common good
23:39 The Nixon Shock started the decline in living standards
28:50 Healthcare and education are cartels
36:01 Global phenomenon of increasing growth by increasing debt
40:57 Past the point of no return
42:20 Preparing for the coming collapse


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